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staffituk_admin | Staff IT UK
WhatsApp Launches Self-Destruct Messages

WhatsApp Launches Self-Destruct Messages

From the end of November, Facebook’s WhatsApp users will have the option to automatically delete chats between the sender and recipient after 7 days. Disappearing Messages The new “disappearing messages” feature is not going to be the default setting and needs to be...
Scammer Accidentally Calls Cyber-Crime Squad

Scammer Accidentally Calls Cyber-Crime Squad

A hapless scammer pretending to be from a broadband network got more than he bargained for when he accidentally called (and tried to work his scam) on the cyber-crime squad of an Australian police force. Claimed To Be From Broadband Network The scammer, claiming to be...
Language Used Reveals Societal Pandemic Anxiety

Language Used Reveals Societal Pandemic Anxiety

An AI study of the language used on social media platform Reddit has revealed increasing levels of anxiety since the beginning of the pandemic. Study The study, by MIT and Harvard University researchers, sought to leverage natural language processing (NLP) algorithms...
Featured Article – Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

Featured Article – Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

In this article, we look at why bring your own device (BYOD) is still popular and we look at some of the risks businesses face by allowing BYOD. BYOD BYOD has been around since 2004 and essentially allows employees to bring in their personally owned laptops, tablets,...
Tech Tip – Jump Lists

Tech Tip – Jump Lists

In Windows 10, if you would like to return quickly and easily to a location that you have recently visited, the ‘Jump List’ feature in the taskbar can help. Here’s how it works:– Jump list works for browsers, folders, and other programs where the icons are...