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staffituk_admin | Staff IT UK
Image Captioning AI More Accurate Than Humans

Image Captioning AI More Accurate Than Humans

Microsoft has announced that in tests, its new, AI-based, automatic image captioning technology is better than humans at describing photos and images. Part of Azure AI The new automatic image captioning model is available via Microsoft’s Azure Cognitive...
‘Hum to Search’ Songfinder

‘Hum to Search’ Songfinder

Google has introduced a new feature to its search that enables it to identify a song that a user hums or whistles. What’s This Song? Serving the same basic purpose a the Shazam app, for example, users can now ask the Google app, Google Search widget (by tapping the...
Tech Increasing Domestic Abuse

Tech Increasing Domestic Abuse

With domestic abuse on the rise, particularly since the pandemic lockdowns, we look at some of the chilling ways that smart devices and other technology are being used as a tool by abusers. Rise In Reports A BBC Panorama and Women’s Aid joint investigation obtained UK...