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staffituk_admin | Staff IT UK
Apple Wants Rent Cuts With UK Landlords

Apple Wants Rent Cuts With UK Landlords

It has been reported that due to the effects of the pandemic on the UK high street, even tech giant Apple is trying to negotiate a 50 per cent rent cut with its retail landlords. Reports The reports, which appeared in the UK’s Sunday Times, allege that Apple has asked...
AI, Data Protection & The ICO

AI, Data Protection & The ICO

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has published guidelines to help clarify how data protection principles apply to AI projects. The Document The guidance document (now a pdf available online on the ICO website) was produced by an associate professor in the...
Tech Tip – Dictation

Tech Tip – Dictation

If you’d like to give your hands a rest, if you need to quickly capture notes, or even if you’d like to take an easy written record of the information given in a phone call, try using the dictation feature in Windows 10.  Here’s how to use it: Firstly, you’ll need a...