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staffituk_admin | Staff IT UK
Tech Insight: Are Macs Really More Secure Than PCs?

Tech Insight: Are Macs Really More Secure Than PCs?

Apple Macs have long had a reputation for being more secure than PCs but where does this idea come from and is it really the case? How Did It Start? Apple itself supported the idea that Macs didn’t get computer viruses until (in 2012) it was noted that the claim was...
Two ISPs Helped Secret Government Web Spying

Two ISPs Helped Secret Government Web Spying

Using the Investigatory Powers Act of 2016, it has been reported that a recent government test of tracking users’ web histories has been helped by two ISPs. The Investigatory Powers Act The Investigatory Powers Act 2016 (also known as the ‘Snooper’s Charter’)...
Remote Working, The New Norm. Er, Is It?

Remote Working, The New Norm. Er, Is It?

After Liz Truss’s (the UK’s Minister for Women and Equalities) suggestion that flexible working should be standard appeared at odds with the Prime Minister’s views, will remote working be the new norm … or not? February – The Prime Minister In February,...
Featured Article: Getting The Most From Spotify

Featured Article: Getting The Most From Spotify

If you like the streaming music platform Spotify and sound quality is really important to you, here are some ideas and tips for how to get the best listening experience. Disclaimer Firstly, the disclaimer.  This article in no way endorses, recommends, or favours...
Tech Tip – Open All Tabs At Once

Tech Tip – Open All Tabs At Once

If you’re using Microsoft’s Edge browser, a handy organising feature means that you can easily get a full, instant view of every window you have open and quickly tab between them. Here’s how: Press Alt + Tab.Holding down Alt, click Tab to move between the windows and...