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staffituk_admin | Staff IT UK
Featured Article: What is Clubhouse?

Featured Article: What is Clubhouse?

With ‘audio-only’, social media app Clubhouse starting to hit the news after its launch one year ago, we take a look at exactly what it is and why you might consider using it. What Is It? Clubhouse is an invitation-only iPhone app where users can set-up...
Get Paid By Your ‘Super Followers’ on Twitter

Get Paid By Your ‘Super Followers’ on Twitter

Twitter has announced that it will soon launch a ‘Super Follow’ feature where account holders can charge their followers for access to exclusive content such as newsletters, videos and deals. What is ‘Super Follow’? The Super Follow feature, which was...
Google Alerts Used In Malware Scam

Google Alerts Used In Malware Scam

It has been reported that hackers have been able to spread malware using fake news stories via the Google Alerts service. Google Alerts Launched in 2003, Google Alerts is Google’s content change detection and notification service which sends emails to a user when it...
Tech Tip – Autofill and Sync Passwords

Tech Tip – Autofill and Sync Passwords

If you’re a Microsoft Windows user and you’d like to avoid the hassle of remembering and typing your passwords across devices and platforms, Autofill can do it for you as it is now being rolled out with the Microsoft Authenticator app, and as an Autofill extension on...