Cyber Security
The UK Govenment’s Cyber Security Centre have advised that there is a 1 in 2 chance that small businesses will experience a cyber security breach that could result in costs of around £1,400 and recomends five key measures to help small businesses protect themselves from the most common cyber attacks:
- Backing up your data
- Protecting your organisation from Malicious software
- Keeping your smartphones and devices safe
- Using passwords to protect your data
- Avoiding phishing attacks

They also offer 5 tips that can help prevent malware damaging your organisation:They also offer 5 tips that can help prevent malware damaging your organisation:
1. Deploy antivirus software
2. Prevent staff from downloading dodgy apps
3. Ensuring that all Applications are up to date (patching)
4. Control how USB drives and memory cards can be used
5. Switch on your firewall
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