Why Reselling Could Help Your Business Grow
Staff IT UK Can Help Your Business Expand By Providing White Label Reselling Services
Reselling has, by association, been tarnished by trashy marketing and business catastrophes – Staff IT UK want to promote an alternative vision for reselling services. One that is founded on building real partnerships that provide resellers with generous recurring commission possibilities that can help small businesses expand whilst nurturing strong collaborative support frameworks that lead to new and exciting revenue-generating possibilities.
What Is Reselling?
At its simplest, a reseller is a business organisation that buys services or products from an external business and resells it at a higher cost through their own business’s client network. According to Harvard Business Review, the resale business model is unbounded by traditional trading boundaries and limits thus allowing resellers to focus entirely on the end goal – getting supplementary resale sales from their client-base whilst the external business or vendor provides the actual product or service.

What Does The Staff IT UK Reseller Program Entail?
It might sound cliché, but Staff IT UK are all about building lasting relationships with clients – it isn’t about the fast buck! It is all about lasting collaborative relationships that are equally profitable and successful. Staff IT UK’s ethos is simple:
“We specialise in providing small companies with cost effective and experienced people to do urgent time-consuming eCommerce website admin so that you can focus on selling more and growing your business.”
Our reseller scheme provides affiliates with a transparent system of reselling Staff IT UK value-added services in a white label format to your existing and future clients. We do the ‘leg work’ and you earn lifetime commission for as long as they subscribe to that service. It is a win/win relationship, we will help you by providing educational support that you can leverage to help grow your business whilst Staff IT UK can provide your business with the very best technical support superstars to help make sure your value-added services are delivered – on time and as agreed.
What can we offer your business in relation to ‘value-added’ products/services?
Our reseller scheme provides affiliates with a transparent system of reselling Staff IT UK value-added services in a white label format to your existing and future clients. We do the ‘leg work’ and you earn lifetime commission for as long as they subscribe to that service. It is a win/win relationship, we will help you by providing educational support that you can leverage to help grow your business whilst Staff IT UK can provide your business with the very best technical support superstars to help make sure your value-added services are delivered – on time and as agreed.
Multi-channel specialists e.g. Website/eBay/Amazon Automation
Export eBay products from eBay to website
Load Products and Upsells
Customer email Answering
Magento experts (Reboots, Migrations to Magento, Upgrades to Magento 2)
Migration to M2E Pro
Business Social Media Marketing using LinkedIn
Why not get in touch with our reseller team today to discuss how our value-added reseller programme could help your business leverage more revenue from clients, thus helping you to grow your business whilst freeing you to do what you do best – run your business! Call us today on 0203 239 9750 to find out more about the reseller affiliate scheme.